Why celebrate one day when you can celebrate all week?! Join us
Saturday, October 10 – Saturday, October 17 as we honor breast cancer patients and survivors of all ages, and raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness – Cumberland Valley.
All money raised from our Step ‘n Stride event will support our local community in the fight against breast cancer. BCA-CV provides an early detection program that pays for mammograms and ultra sounds for individuals that have little or no insurance. We also provide many
FREE after diagnosis programs which aid in support and comfort as patients fight their breast cancer battle. In addition, BCA-CV holds events and meetings to honor and support on-going survivorship.
Saturday, October 10 – Saturday, October 17
Walk in your neighborhood, meet a friend at your local park to get in some laps, or form a small team and walk together (socially distanced) at the high school track. Wherever you are, this virtual event will bring us together to commemorate the sentiment that NO ONE has to fight breast cancer alone.
Registration is $30/person and will include your choice of a 2020 Step ‘N Stride t-Shirt, Tank, or Long Sleeve Shirt.